Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Drop out and kill Cassette

Drop out and kill cassette courtesy of major destroyer records, they should be available soon to buy direct from the label, features a new mix and a cover of the Nightstick track "Ultimatum", thanks to Mike and Kyle for having the balls to release this on pro fucking printed tape! Get fucked up, listen, kill.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Blut Live

So yeah we played a show in some ones back yard with local hardcore band Oath Sworn,(formerly End.It.All). It went down well and we managed to get pretty fucked up during and after the performance, the cops showed up during Oath Sworns second to last song so not bad going, both bands got to finish their sets which is always a bonus, cheers to Bill for giving us these video clips and Matt for the photos.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Monday, 17 September 2012

Tape out soon on Major Destroyer records

Pro covers and pro cassette out on Major destroyer records very soon,features bonus track not on the cd release. Also Blut live show this Autumn.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Drop out and Kill

The newest Blut record (Drop out and kill) has been completed and will be released at some point over the summer months. CD release will be handled by Bubonic Productions and the Cassette version will be released by Major destroyer records, the cassette version will have a bonus track a cover of "Ultimatum" by Nighstick. This new record delves deeper into the realms of dark drone doom psychedelia, play loud and kill yourself.